Tuesday, March 13, 2007

what a NICE day

Today is (so far and thanks God) a really nice day. It is not freezing cold or scorching hot either. 75 degrees put up a nice and sunny afternoon, and a chance for me to try some University of Illinois quad tanning sessions.

Ok, so I tried the tanning thing for short time. I went for about 20 minutes after I arrived to the Transit Plaza bus stop. I could not hold my self of throwing myself in the grass after I saw so many people doing it.

I liked doing so, and so I am considering coming back in a while to the Quad to spend a longer while there just laying in the sun, listening to music, basically in my own world, after i type a while my factory farming paper.

Thanks God for days like this!!

Here are some pictures. Sorry, I shot them with my T-Mobile Sidekick's camera which is pretty bad

The U of I Quad facing the Illini Union building

Nop, I don't know him... he was just randomly there when I took the shot

The Quad facing the main library

Weather Today: Mostly sunny, with a high of 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Great day to tan

(c) Noaa.gov

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Winter is almost over

Well its march, and it seems that spring is ahead. Temperatures are going constantly up and there is even a forecast in the high 60's for next week. All I can say is that this has been a VERY GENEROUS winter thanks God and that I have no complaints about all the snow and cold weather we got. I hope that the summer this year doesn't torture us with 100s as it did last year, and with this, I'll leave a few pictures of this winter and wait for next winter to see if this time i can take more advantage of it than just watching the snow fall

A Rant for my dear UPS

It happens a lot to me when i purchase, and so i have decided to quit on UPS, FedEx, and all private deliverers as they are all a bunch of good-for-nothing services. I will only use USPS unless there is no other option, because today with UPS was the drop to spill the glass

I bought something about a couple weeks ago, and after waiting and resigning to get a second attempt notice, I called to schedule a pick up. I do not have a car, so i fully rely on the public transportation that my city provides (buses) (which have a 5-star service, but regrettably offer LIMITED service to where UPS and FedEx are). I return today from college, and after planning earlier my trip schedule to their warehouse, I find a final attempt note. I call them (very disappointed)to see that those Good for Nothings did not comply with their promise of holding my pack. To the point, they tell me that they NEVER got the notice from their (useless) agent, so I schedule the pick up once more, and i get the call** [[(they say for URGENT cases they can take up to 1 HOUR to call back…) I wander what would happen if the medicine that can save your life is the package, (thanks God not my case, but you get the point i hope)]] **and they tell me that i have to pick up the package after 7 pm (when their facility closes at 6:30 and there are no more buses to the area after 6)

Finally I’m going to try picking it up tomorrow and if i fail, I guess I’ll post here again.

Final note: in my opinion, a company that size cant be handed to NEWBIES that barely got an undergrad degree in business

Think I'm the only one upset with them? Think again:
  • http://neighborhoodofgod.blogspot.com/2005/12/ups-sucks.html
  • http://rainfallsoneveryone.com/category/rant/ (they are the owners of the pic I used in this post)
  • http://www.sampletheweb.com/2006/01/20/ups-sucks/
  • Or Google it, you wont have a hard tome finding unhappy customers and bloggers

First Post

Yes, I got a blog... finally i decided to set up a site where i could just type my day by day until i get bored. Well, it will be seen... what a useless post lol :-)
